
Listado de noticias

The EU-Citizen.Science project presents the Citizen Science Report for policies in Europe

The EU-Citizen.Science project launches the Brief Policy Report which contains the information, resources, conclusion and survey results of the High-Level Policy Event Citizen Science for Policy across Europe which was held online on June 22nd 2021 within the context of the European Research and Innovation Days 2021.

FECYT launches a new edition of the mentoring programme, REBECA, within EURAXESS

REBECA by EURAXESS (REsearchers BEyond aCAdemia) is a mentoring programme for researchers who want to explore careers beyond the academic pathway.

Discovery Learning launches its training offer for this autumn

Innovative learning techniques, such as game-based learning or worked-based learning, will be commonly used throughout these sessions. Its main purpose is to achieve high levels of exchange and interaction between participants and trainers.

The NEWSERA Policy Briefs: Take-away ideas to increase your project’s reach and face new challenges

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) is involved in multiple aspects of the project, with special responsibility for improving the communication of citizen science projects for Policy Makers.

FELISE, the mentoring programme offered by FECYT closes with good satisfaction results

FEminist Leadership In SciencE - FELISE, is a mentoring programme offered by FECYT that pairs young women researchers with other more senior women researchers. It aims at making pairs jointly reflect about the neccesary institutional changes to achieve gender equality in research and higher education

83% of the Spanish population trusts in vaccination against Covid, 25 points more than in January

In July 2020, only one third of the population (32%) expressed with full confidence their intention to be vaccinated as soon as a vaccine was offered by the health authorities.

84% of the Spanish population is in favour of the Government investing in science

This is one of the results of the 10th Social Perception of Science Survey that FECYT has carried out in 2020 through the implementation of eight thousand interviews throughout the country.