Women and Science conference in memory of Margarita Salas in Amsterdam

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) collaborated in the development of the program together with the Association of Spanish Scientists in the Netherlands (CENL), the Iberia Club of the European Patent Office, the Czech Center and the Embassy of The Hague Austria.

FECYT participates in the European project Newsera: Citizen Science as the new paradigm for science communication

For three years, academic experts in scientific policy and scientific advice and professionals in citizen science and communication - led by Science for Change (Spain) - will collaborate to support the European Union to co-design innovative strategies to improve scientific communication in European citizen science projects in order to improve their impact.

FECYT participa en el proyecto europeo ETHNA System

The aim of the project is implementing in research and innovation organizations an ethical governance system, aligned with the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

FECYT organizes a closing event for the first edition of the REBECA mentoring programme

The event brought together more than 60 participants who exchange information about their experience in the programme and discussed the benefits of such resources for the professional development of research staff.

FECYT collaborates in training sessions on science diplomacy at the Spanish Diplomatic School

FECYT presented to the diplomats the project “Using science for / in diplomacy for addressing global challenges-S4D4C” on European science diplomacy, in which FECYT participates as a partner to connect the different agents involved in science, and diplomacy and creating training material.




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