FECYT launches “Researcher career path in Spain at a glance!” fifth edition

The goal of the present report is to give scientists a single entry point to all public and private open calls available at the different stages of the researcher career path in Spain (at all European-, State- and Regional-levels).

FECYT publica un manual sobre cómo diseñar programas de mentorazgo para investigadores

The document is based on the experience of designing, implementing and evaluating the first edition of the mentoring programme “REBECA-Researchers Beyond Academia”.

FECYT launches the mentoring programme FEminist Leadership In SciencE (FELISE)

The programme is part of the European project Gearing Roles and it puts young women researchers in touch with more senior women researchers in order to support their career development and to jointly reflect about the necessary institutional changes to foster gender equality y research and teaching.

FECYT colabora en la creación del primer curso online sobre diplomacia científica europea

This initiative is part of the H2020-funded project “Using Science For/In Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges (S4D4C)”, which The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) is a partner of.

FECYT publica un informe sobre diplomacia científica europea

The policy report has three main sections. First, it sets a proposal of a vision, mission, and principles for EU science diplomacy for addressing global challenges. Next, it identifies the main stoppers, warnings, and drivers for global collaboration in science, diplomacy, and science diplomacy.




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