Second preparatory workshop for #ScienceintheParliament2018 (#CienciaenelParlamento2018)

Segundas sesiones preparatorias de #CienciaenelParlamento2018

On the 15th and 16th of October, #CienciaenelParlamento, the COTEC Foundation and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) organized the 2nd Preparatory Workshop for #CienciaenelParlamento2018 under the topic "The bases of legislative power and the operative of the national Parliament and the Senate" at the headquarters of the COTEC Foundation.
The first cohort of science advisors is integrated by 24 scientists, selected through a public competitive call in which more than 200 candidates participated, working since July to gather the existing scientific evidence on topics of great social relevance (climate change, aging, pollution, family and social conciliation, etc.). These important issues will be discussed at the #CienciaenelParlamento2018 conference that will take place in the Congress of Deputies on November 6th and 7th, within the framework of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution.
Throughout the course scientists have had the opportunity to know in depth the working mechanisms of the Parliament and the legislative process. They also had the opportunity to participate in different workshops where they developed skills for communication and received scientific advice training.
The workshop counted with the participation of deputies of the Commission of Science, Innovation and Universities: Juan Bravo (PP), María González (PSOE), Rosa Martínez (United We Can-In Comú Podem-En Marea) and Joan Olòriz (ERC) that exposed on how scientific advice can be useful in the legislative process. In addition, officials of the Cortes such as the clerk Pablo Pendás, the librarian Mateo Maciá and the specialist Manuel Pereira explained the keys of their work in the Congress of Deputies and in the Senate to guarantee the correct functioning of the national parliament and the Senate.
The president of the Parliament, Ana Pastor, announced to open soon a permanent parliamentary office of scientific and technological advice. The final goal of this initiative is to establish solid communication channels between scientists and politicians. These channels will guarantee scientific evidence is acknowledged as a very relevant dimension of the policy making process at the Spanish Parliament.
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