The Science Diplomacy Network in Madrid visits The National Fusion Laboratory
FECYT held on October 24 the fifth technical conference of the Science Diplomacy Network in Madrid. Gathered at the CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) responsibles for scientific affairs at 17 embassies could get further knowledge about the Spanish map of Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS).
The ICTS are large infrastructure in which to conduct science on the frontier of knowledge. The ICTS share three fundamental characteristics; they are infrastructures with public ownership, unique and open to competitive access to the entire national and international scientific and academic community through competitive competition.
The current map of ICTS, in force since 2013, includes 29 ICTS that bring together a total of 59 facilities in 8 subject areas: astronomy and astrophysics, marine sciences of life and earth, health sciences and biotechnology, technology information and communications, energy, engineering, materials and socio-economic sciences and humanities. Many of these ICTS have further assumed the Spanish participation in the projects included in the ESFRI road map.
During the session Angela Fernandez Curto presented the whole map and how these infrastructures operate. There were also presentations about two ICTS: Aggregated Maritime Hydraulic Research Infrastructures (MARHIS) of Barcelona, and the Center for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU) of Salamanca. Finally, the group of diplomats had the opportunity to visit the facilities of TJ-II hosted at the National Fusion Laboratory (CIEMAT). The TJ-II is a magnetic confinement device type "stellarator".
View General Presentation on ICTS.
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