The Society of Spanish Researchers in Ireland starts to walk
The Society of Spanish Researchers in Ireland (SRSI) started to walk last June 8th 2016 at the University College Dublin. The association, which began with preparations in 2015, formalized its launch with the words of its president, Ignacio Martin-Loeches, who exposed to the attendees the main goals of the SRSI for the coming years and acknowledged the support of the Embassy of Spain in Ireland by organizing this meeting.
Afterwards, Guillermo Orts, scientific coordinator of FECYT at the Embassy of Spain in Berlin, was invited to explain the experiences of the Foundation in the last years supporting the communities of scientists abroad. Then, Adolfo Cardón, Education Advisor at Embassy of Spain in Ireland and Javier Moral, Counselor of the Commercial Office of the Embassy, presented their activities and offered collaboration opportunities to SRSI. Maria Angeles Pons, representing the Economic Association ISEA, also congratulated SRSI and expressed the interest in cooperating with SRSI in the future.
The last speaker was the Ambassador of Spain in Ireland, José María Rodríguez Coso, who expressed his full support for SRSI and encouraged attendees to undertake an ambitious project together with SRSI in order to achieve and increasing relevance of SRSI in Ireland in the coming years.