FECYT participates in the Conference “Connecting researchers worldwide”
On May 11th, FECYT participated in the Third EURAXESS Links Conference “Connecting researchers worldwide”. The aim of the conference was to strengthen scientific relations between Europe and Latin American countries. The Conference was attended by more than 180 participants including researchers, academics, industry representatives and public institutions from Europe and Brazil.
The Conference had high level speakers such as João Cravinho, Ambassador of the European Union to Brazil, Professor Jorge Guimarães, President of the “Brazilian Institution for Research and Industrial (EMBRAPII)” and Professor Pedricto Rocha Filho, President of the “Brazilian Institution for Research, Technology and Innovation (FINEP)”. Moreover, representatives from the Marie Slodowska Curie actions (MSCA) and the European Research Council (ERC) were also part of the European Delegation.
FECYT was part of the European Delegation and participated in two different round tables. In the first one, “Research careers-A European Perspective”, FECYT explained its participation in the European project “PIPERS”, exploring the current situation of European policies fostering the development of transferrable skills and developing face-to-face and on-line trainings on transferrable skills.
Finally, FECYT participated in the roundtable “How to better network. Best practices”. In this discussion, FECYT presented its project collaborating with the Spanish researchers associations abroad and explained its main objectives: to improve the visibility of Spanish researchers abroad, to keepan open dialogue between the administration and these associations and to foster the inclusion of scientific affairs in international relations. Representatives from the “Association of Brazilian researchers in the United Kingdom” and the “Association of Science without Borders Initiative” also shared their experiences in the table.
EURAXESS is an initiative launched in 2004 by the European Commission in support of mobile researchers in which 40 countries currently participate. EURAXESS provides support on practical issues that incoming researchers face when arriving at the country. Along the coming years, EURAXESS pretends to extend its services to researchers by providing support for their professional development along their entire careers, instead of only during the mobility periods. The aim is to have EURAXESS providing access to professional counselling, mentoring, trainings in horizontal skills, etc