FECYT participates in the future of EURAXESS debate together with other European partners

FECYT is the national coordinator of EURAXESS, an initiative launched in 2004 by the European Commission in support of mobile researchers in which 40 countries currently participate. EURAXESS provides support on practical issues that incoming researchers face when arriving at the country. Along the coming years, EURAXESS pretends to extend its services to researchers by providing support for their professional development along their entire careers, instead of only during the mobility periods. The aim is to have EURAXESS providing access to professional counselling, mentoring, trainings in horizontal skills, etc. 
One of the objectives of the EURAXESS TOP III project, in which FECYT is partner, is indeed to analyze how can this evolution and implementation of new services be accomplished in a networks as wide and heterogeneous as EURAXESS. 
On March 31st, FECYT participated in Oslo (Norway) in the first meeting of the TOP III working group that will address this issue. “Which will be the services provided by EURAXESS on the medium term?, who are its key stakeholders and partners?, how will the quality of the services be secured in such an heterogeneous network?, which is the potential role of the initiative in researcher career development?, how can we secure the necessary training for the EURAXESS staff?” are some of the key questions that this working group will try to answer along the next two years.    
EURAXESS TOP III (Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS Network) is an international project funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme. It will have a duration of 36 months (October 2015 – September 2018), a maximum budget of 3.559.043€, and is coordinated by Bay Zoltan Ltd (Hungary).

FECYT participa en el debate sobre el futuro de EURAXESS con otros socios europeos
FECYT participa en el debate sobre el futuro de EURAXESS con otros socios europeos