FECYT issues the report on the joint meeting of spanish scientists in the USA held in 2015

The First Joint Meeting of Spanish Scientists in the United States was held in Washington DC in September 2015. The meeting gathered around 150 Spanish researchers and was inaugurated by His Majesty the King of Spain. The conference aimed at reinforcing the networking among researchers, creating a forum for scientific discussion and facilitating the communication of the Spanish Scientific scientific community in the States with policy makers of both countries.
The report on the meeting, that gathers the abstracts and bios of the speakers, together with the main highlights of the conference, has just been published and it is available here.
The meeting was organized by the Association of Spanish Scientists in the United States (ECUSA), the Embassy of Spain in Washington, the  Prince of Asturias Chair in the University of Georgetown and FECYT with the collaboration of Fundación Ramón Areces, Obra Social La Caixa, Fundación Endesa, Marca España and Fundación Cultura Pública

FECYT publica la memoria del congreso de científicos españoles en Estados Unidos de 2015