The AEI seeks researchers from R&D centres outside Spain to act as evaluators

The Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) wishes to increase participation among researchers affiliated with foreign R&D institutions in the Agency’s Bank of Collaborating Experts run by the Coordination and Evaluation Subdivision (SCE), with the aim of enriching the Spanish evaluation system thanks to the various international perspectives and experiences that could be brought by these researchers, who undertake their work under the premises of other R&D&I systems.
The SCE is organised into 26 topic areas and is responsible for evaluating over 25,000 applications a year for activities related to science/technology research. Approximately 80% of these activities are calls from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and the rest are calls from other ministry departments, autonomous communities, foundations, universities, etc.
FECYT and the AEI would like to involve communities of Spanish researchers abroad in encouraging those with outstanding postdoctoral career experience to send their CVs to to be considered to be AEI evaluators.” Both CVN and MINECO abbreviated CV (CVA) are valid formats for CVs’ submission (
Evaluations are remunerated and there are not normally more than 2-3 per year for each evaluator. The timescale for completing an evaluation is usually 2-3 weeks, although evaluators may choose not to accept a particular evaluation. They may also apply for certification to be an AEI evaluator and of the number of evaluations performed per year.
Frequently asked questions
1.         What does ‘outstanding postdoctoral career experience’ mean?
We are looking for PhD holders with proven research experience and recognised achievements (high-impact publications, supervised theses, etc.) in their areas of specialism, who have been main researchers on projects funded in competitive national or international calls for applications. In addition to their research careers, candidates must have prior experience in budget and staff management, aspects which must be assessed in research project evaluations. This therefore excludes postdoctoral researchers (full faculty members or assistants) who have not yet had such management responsibilities.
2.         What language are the evaluations conducted in?
The two languages used in evaluations are Spanish and English. 
3.         What kinds of evaluations would I do?
Approximately 40% of applications evaluated are HR programmes (for researcher or research assistant contracts/grants), 50% are projects of various kinds and a small percentage are evaluations of centres.
4.         How often will I be asked to take part?
This is difficult to predict. You might receive three requests in a row or one every 2-3 years: it will depend on your area of research and the volume of evaluations requested of the AEI over the course of the year.
5.         How will the AEI communicate with evaluators to carry out an evaluation?
Except for in-person committees, everything will be done over the internet.
When an evaluator is added to the Bank of Experts, he/she will receive an e-mail with his/her username and password to access the SCE application.
Whenever you are assigned an evaluation, you will receive a new e-mail specifying which application you have been assigned and the web address to consult the documentation for the application and perform the evaluation.
On this website you will also find an evaluation form with directions on how to conduct the evaluation.
6.         How long do I have for each evaluation?
The application gives 5 days to decide whether you accept or decline the evaluation and, once accepted, 15 days to carry it out, although it is often possible to give an extra week or two.
7.         Can I decline an evaluation?
Of course, you can decline it if you do not consider yourself qualified to do it, if it is not a good time for you, or if you believe your evaluation may cause any kind of conflict for you.
Declining one or several evaluations, as long as it is not systematic refusal, will not lead to your exclusion from the Bank of Experts.
8.         Will the Ministry issue a personal certificate for performing this activity?
You can request issuance of a certificate accrediting that you are part of the body of AEI evaluators, as well as one that shows the number of evaluations performed each year.
9.         When calls are resolved, does the applicant learn the identity of their evaluator?
Evaluations are confidential and anonymous; applicants will never be given the names of their evaluators.
10.       Are evaluations remunerated?
All evaluations are remunerated. Remuneration varies depending on the type of evaluation. Additionally, if the evaluation requires meetings in person, accommodation and travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Type of evaluation

Documentation to be evaluated


Researcher/assistant contract/grant

CV + abstract

€65 *1 and 2


Report + CV

€95 *1 and 2

R&D centre

Research areas + several PIs

€180 *1 and 2

 *1 If more than one evaluation is requested in the same call, payment for second and subsequent evaluations will be lower.
*2 Figures quoted are gross (before deduction of tax).
11.       How many evaluators does the AEI have abroad?
The AEI currently has around 32,000 evaluators, of whom about 4,000 are affiliated with R&D institutions located outside Spanish borders. However, the Agency has set a target to increase this percentage to 20% by 2020.
12.       I would like to apply to be an AEI evaluator. How should I proceed?
Please e-mail your CV to
Once the SCE team has assessed your application, they will send you their decision by e-mail.
LOPD clause
In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, we hereby inform you that your personal details will be included in a file belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness with the aim of selecting expert evaluators of R&D&I activities and managing evaluations of R&D&I projects and activities.
Additionally, you are hereby informed that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition under the terms set out in the L.O.P.D. upon request, using any means which leaves a record of dispatch to, and receipt by, the Coordination and Evaluation Subdivision of the State Research Agency at the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
We also hereby inform you that FECYT is no longer responsible for the SCE’s subsequent handling of your information, and that curricula vitae received shall be passed on to the SCE, at which time FECYT shall immediately destroy this information. 

La AEI busca investigadores de centros de I+D fuera de España como evaluadores