The Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) wishes to increase participation among researchers affiliated with foreign R&D institutions in the Agency’s Bank of Collaborating Experts run by the Coordination and Evaluation Subdivision (SCE), with the aim of enriching the Spanish evaluation system thanks to the various international perspectives and experiences that could be brought by these researchers, who undertake their work under the premises of other R&D&I systems.
Science Abroad
Last 6th June, Prof Paloma García-Bellido, Professor in Spanish Linguistics of the University of Oxford, visited students from the Instituto Español Vicente Cañada Blanch in London in the seventh and last session of the programme “Science in the Classroom” for this academic year.
Last 12th May, the State Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation Carmen Vela participated as keynote speaker in an international symposium about science diplomacy and international policy in London.