S4D4C ‘Open Doors Programme’: Call opens now!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The European project S4D4C: Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges in which FECYT participates is happy to announce the launch of the Open Doors call for European researchers.

The project, funded by Horizon2020, aims at supporting current and future EU science diplomacy for the benefit of the Union’s strategic capacities, foreign policy goals and the development of solutions for societal challenges.

In order to meet our S4D4C goals, and taking into account that both academic and practical expertise are necessary, S4D4C launches a new scheme for researchers to establish relationships with diplomats, policy makers and global experts to enable them to access and use scientific research: the ‘Open Doors Programme’. This new programme gives researchers, practitioners, diplomats and policy makers an opportunity to experience each other’s worlds. The scientists participating in the ‘Open Doors Programme’ will learn how best to engage with different diplomacy stakeholders, improving both sides’ understanding of the respective other community.

How does the ‘Open Doors Programme’ work?

The scheme will run from December 2018 to March 2019. The S4D4C team has opened this international call for researchers. Successful applicants will be able to participate in a 3-4 days group meeting at the 1st S4D4C Global Meeting in Madrid (Spain) from 12-14 December 2018, in another 3-4 days group meeting at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Higher Studies (DLR) in Bonn, Germany, and a further 3-4 days individual visits at a Spanish embassy in Europe between February and March 2019. The programme will allow selected applicants to meet with some of the most relevant scientific advice and science diplomacy experts in Europe and beyond.

More specifically, participants will:

  • participate in meetings with ministries, funding agencies as well as European and international organisations in Germany to learn about best practices in science diplomacy, its challenges and opportunities.
  • stay at the embassy’, ie. participate in meetings to learn about the different departments of a Spanish embassy, meet invited speakers and attend diplomatic activities.
  • have the opportunity to present their own activities and to learn more about career development.

The host institutions will prepare a detailed agenda so that the researchers obtain an overview of these institutions’ responsibilities, their work culture and their portfolio of activities, particularly regarding foreign policy and science diplomacy aspects.

Who is the programme for?

The call targets researchers at an appropriate level of seniority (PostDocs, Principal Investigators (PI), and beyond) working in national, European and international research institutions located in the EU and with an interest in science policy.
Diplomats, policy makers and donors will also benefit indirectly from the programme.
The selection process will be open, merit based and transparent.

How can researchers participate?


  • Applicants should be researchers with a PhD in any field of knowledge (sciences, humanities, technology, engineering, medicine, mathematics).
  • Applicants should work in either the academic or industry sector.
  • Applicants should work in (or be affiliated to) an EU-based institution.
  • The call expects candidates to be able to travel within Europe (VISA conditions).
  • The participants should be able to spend 9-10 days in the “Open Doors” programme.
  • Previous experiences in science communication, science outreach, science policy and/or science diplomacy will be valued positively.
  • Applicants should be strongly motivated to develop their career in the field of science advice and science diplomacy.

What is the expected schedule?

  • 15-31 October 2018: Call for applications open.
  • End of November 2018: Notification of the selected candidates.
  • Beginning of December 2018: Travel arrangements S4D4C Global Dialogue Meeting of Madrid.
  • 12-14 December 2018: S4D4C Global Dialogue Meeting in Madrid.
  • January to March 2019: Science Diplomacy Tour.
  • March to May 2019: Preparation of reports and video testimonials.
  • 2019: Participation at the 2nd Global Dialogue Meeting in Berlin.


  • The call for researchers to participate in the “Open Doors” programme is open from 15-31 October 2018 (11:59 GMT).
  • Applications received after this deadline cannot be taken into consideration.
  • The selection committee encourages specially women are to participate.




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