Spanish Directory of Science and Technology, DIRECYT 2008

Spanish Directory of Science and Technology, DIRECYT 2008

Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT
Edition date: 

The purpose of this directory is to continue providing useful tools and support tools for the functioning of the Spanish Science and Technology System. The directory is a compilation of various public entities that actively participate in the development of R&D&I in Spain. It is structured based on the sectors which form the backbone of scientific and innovative activity, namely: the ministries of the Public Administration, autonomous bodies under the Administration, Public Research Organisations, public research centres and entities, parliamentary committees, science and technology parks, associations, foundations, universities, etc. At the Autonomous Community level the directory took into account those departments, hospitals and centres that are responsible for the science and technology fields in their Autonomous Communities.

Spanish Directory of Science and Technology, DIRECYT 2008