The University of Zaragoza, as partner of the European project EUESCADA, organizes on the 23rd and 24th of November, the session “ERA Career day: Opportunities for researchers in the XXI century”.

La Universidad de Zaragoza, como socio del proyecto europeo EUESCADA, organiza el 23 y 24 de noviembre la jornada “Oportunidades profesionales en la carrera investigadora del s. XXI”, que ofrecerá información sobre las distintas opciones profesionales de los investigadores.

Last 4th and 5th October, FECYT organized a seminar in the Spanish embassy in London and had a promotional stand in NatureJobs Career Expo London, respectively. 

Los días días 4 y 5 de octubre, FECYT organizó un acto en la Embajada de España en Londres y llevó un stand promociona en la feria de empleo científico NatureJobs Career Expo London 2017, respectivamente. 

Executive summary of the guidelines for the management of the mobility of the foreign reseacrher in Spain 2017. The guide compiles the main issues that a foreign researcher needs to tackle when coming to work in Spain and it targets both researchers themselves and their hosting institutions. The main topics of the guidelines are the characteristics of the Spanish R&D&I system and the researcher career in the country, the recognition of foreign qualifications for academia and professional purposes, the labor market, the tax and the social security systems, the entry and residency requirements, the health and education systems and the EURAXESS Spain network that gives support to mobile researchers. 

The guide compiles the main issues that a foreign researcher needs to tackle when coming to work in Spain and it targets both researchers themselves and their hosting institutions. The main topics of the guidelines are the characteristics of the Spanish R&D&I system and the researcher career in the country, the recognition of foreign qualifications for academia and professional purposes, the labor market, the tax and the social security systems, the entry and residency requirements, the health and education systems and the EURAXESS Spain network that gives support to mobile researchers. 

As part of the EURAXESS initiative, aiming at promoting the mobility of scientific talent in Europe, FECYT publishes the fifth edition of the “Guidelines for the management of the mobility of the foreign researcher in Spain 2017” and an executive summary.

Resumen ejecutivo de la “Guía para la gestión de la movlidad del personal investigador extranjero en España 2017”. La guía pretende ser un compendio de los principales temas que el personal investigador extranjero debe abordar cuando decide desarrollar parte de su carrera en España, de modo que sirva de punto de entrada en la resolución de dudas tanto del propio personal investigador como de los centros anfitriones. 

La guía pretende ser un compendio de los principales temas que el personal investigador extranjero debe abordar cuando decide desarrollar parte de su carrera en España, de modo que sirva de punto de entrada en la resolución de dudas tanto del propio personal investigador como de los centros anfitriones. 

Dentro de la iniciativa EURAXESS, que tiene por objeto promover la libre circulación del talento científico por Europa, FECYT publica la quinta edición de la “Guía para la gestión de la movlidad del personal investigador extranjero en España 2017” y  su resumen ejecutivo.


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