FECYT participates in the european project GEARING-Roles for the impementation of gender equality plans in academic institution

Friday, January 18, 2019
ECYT participa en el proyecto europeo GEARING-Roles para la implementación de planes de igualdad en instituciones académicas

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) participated on the Kick-off Meeting of the European project GEARING-Roles, which took place in Bilbao (Spain) on the 17-18 of January 2019. This project coordinated by the Universidad de Deusto and funded by European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme started the 1st of January 2019 and will have four years of duration.

The objective of the project is implementing gender equality plans (GEPs) in 5 universities: Spain (Universidad de Deusto), Portugal (Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade De Lisboa), Turkey (Sabanci University), Slovenia (University of Ljubljana)  and United Kingdom (Oxford Brookes University), as well as in a research funding organization from Estonia (Estonian Research Council). In order to do this, the project will:

•    Assess the institutional environment and culture of each implementing organization
•    Train them on the use of researcher career development resources
•    Train them in leadership issues for female researchers
•    Promote the gender dimension across all research activities of the organizations
•    Offer direct support actions to the implementing organizations for the development of their GEPs

The role of FECYT in GEARING-Roles
FECYT participate in the project due to its role as national EURAXESS Spain coordinator, which will allow promoting and testing EURAXESS tools for supporting research career development, fostering its incorporation into the GEPs, at the same time it allows to reinforce the gender dimension of EURAXESS’ own services.

Furthermore, FECYT will also support the leadership trainings and will manage an interinstitutional mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers among the GEP implementing organizations.

Find the latest news on the project in @GearingRoles

EURAXESS is an initiative launched by the European Commission that is present in 40 countries and aims at supporting researchers in issues related to mobility and professional development.


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