The purpose of this registry is to establish minimum requirements to be met Unit Scientific Culture and Innovation to be considered as such and thus become part of the directory UCC + i Foundation Spanish for Science and Technology, coordinator of the Network.

Join the directory UCC + i involves, among others, the following benefits:

  • Build effective part of the UCC + i Network and to make use of his image on all materials and activities launched since the UCC + i.
  • Preference in enrollment meetings and specific training for Units of Scientific Culture and Innovation launch from FECYT.
  • Be able to participate in the Forum, meeting point for exchange of information and resources of members of the Red UCC + i.
  • Join the directory UCC + i involves, among others, the following benefits:
  • Be able to present an application within 3.1 mode. Units Network of Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC + i) of the call for aid for the promotion of scientific culture and innovation FECYT.