
In November 2017, the 2nd edition of “Ambassadors for Science” was launched with ten groups of scientists and diplomats. These participants shared a number of days to get exposed to each other professional worlds. In February 2018, they shared their experiences during the last session. 


Last Friday, April 6, the Association of Spanish Researchers in the Italian Republic (ASIERI) brought together Spanish and Italian researchers at the Tor Vergata University in Rome. The session, co-organized by ASIERI and the Dipartimento di studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell'arte (ALEF) of the Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", counted with the collaboration and support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Ministry of Education of the Embassy of Spain in Italy.


Last 15th March, a new session of “Science in the Classroom” was held in the Spanish School Vicente Cañada Blanch in London. Javier Castellano, engineer in Ford and diesel-engines specialist, talked about the future of automotive industry to 15-18-year-old students. 


In its role as coordinator of the EURAXESS Spain Network to support the mobility of researchers, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology published in 2017 the third edition of the Guide for the management of mobility of foreign researchers in Spain .


The 2nd edition of “Ambassadors for Science” came to an end last 22nd February in the Spanish Embassy in London. All participant pairs–composed by one scientist and one diplomat or sectorial counselor–shared their own experiences and talked about what they had learnt with this exchange programme. 




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